A great boy, out of wickedness, had eaten her up. At first thechildren cried about it; but afterwards, thinking very probably thatthe poor lover ought not to be left alone in the world, they ate himup too: but they never forgot the story.
The two children still continued to play together by theelder-tree, and under the willow; and the little maiden sang beautifulsongs, with a voice that was as clear as a bell. Knud, on thecontrary, had not a note of music in him, but knew the words of thesongs, and that of course is something. The people of Kjoge, andeven the rich wife of the man who kept the fancy shop, would stand andlisten while Joanna was singing, and say, "She has really a very sweetvoice."
Those were happy days; but they could not last forever. Theneighbors were separated, the mother of the little girl was dead,and her father had thoughts of marrying again and of residing in thecapital, where he had been promised a very lucrative appointment asmessenger. The neighbors parted with tears, the children wept sadly;but their parents promised that they should write to each other atleast once a year.
After this, Knud was bound apprentice to a shoemaker; he wasgrowing a great boy, and could not be allowed to run wild anylonger. Besides, he was going to be confirmed. Ah, how happy hewould have been on that festal day in Copenhagen with little Joanna;but he still remained at Kjoge, and had never seen the great city,though the town is not five miles from it. But far across the bay,when the sky was clear, the towers of Copenhagen could be seen; and onthe day of his confirmation he saw distinctly the golden cross onthe principal church glittering in the sun. How often his thoughtswere with Joanna! but did she think of him? Yes. About Christmascame a letter from her father to Knud"s parents, which stated thatthey were going on very well in Copenhagen, and mentioningparticularly that Joanna"s beautiful voice was likely to bring her abrilliant fortune in the future. She was engaged to sing at a concert,and she had already earned money by singing, out of which she sent herdear neighbors at Kjoge a whole dollar, for them to make merry onChristmas eve, and they were to drink her health. She had herselfadded this in a postscript, and in the same postscript she wrote,"Kind regards to Knud."
The good neighbors wept, although the news was so pleasant; butthey wept tears of joy. Knud"s thoughts had been daily with Joanna,and now he knew that she also had thought of him; and the nearer thetime came for his apprenticeship to end, the clearer did it appearto him that he loved Joanna, and that she must be his wife; and asmile came on his lips at the thought, and at one time he drew thethread so fast as he worked, and pressed his foot so hard againstthe knee strap, that he ran the awl into his finger; but what did hecare for that? He was determined not to play the dumb lover as boththe gingerbread cakes had done; the story was a good lesson to him.
At length he become a journeyman; and then, for the first time, heprepared for a journey to Copenhagen, with his knapsack packed andready. A master was expecting him there, and he thought of Joanna, andhow glad she would be to see him. She was now seventeen, and henineteen years old. He wanted to buy a gold ring for her in Kjoge, butthen he recollected how far more beautiful such things would be inCopenhagen. So he took leave of his parents, and on a rainy day,late in the autumn, wandered forth on foot from the town of his birth.The leaves were falling from the trees; and, by the time he arrived athis new master"s in the great metropolis, he was wet through. On thefollowing Sunday he intended to pay his first visit to Joanna"sfather. When the day came, the new journeyman"s clothes were broughtout, and a new hat, which he had brought in Kjoge. The hat becamehim very well, for hitherto he had only worn a cap. He found the housethat he sought easily, but had to mount so many stairs that hebecame quite giddy; it surprised him to find how people lived over oneanother in this dreadful town.
On entering a room in which everything denoted prosperity,Joanna"s father received him very kindly. The new wife was astranger to him, but she shook hands with him, and offered him coffee.
"Joanna will be very glad to see you," said her father. "Youhave grown quite a nice young man, you shall see her presently; she isa good child, and is the joy of my heart, and, please God, she willcontinue to be so; she has her own room now, and pays us rent for it."And the father knocked quite politely at a door, as if he were astranger, and then they both went in. How pretty everything was inthat room!
- 长安长安长安
- 那年我向神明许愿。一求父母长乐无忧,二望舅舅健康长寿,三愿阿知幸福美满,四盼明明平安归来,五念.可我阿母时常郁郁寡欢,舅舅常年病痛累积,阿知最后精神崩溃,明明永远留在了边疆 确实回过头看,我这一生倒也是圆满,年少时遇到了最惊艳的少年,有过最真挚的友情 细细说来,哪怕我眼睛看不见了,阿母和舅舅都替我准
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- 最新章:八
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- 不用多讲了吧,他的童话伴随我们渡过了美好的童年,值得怀念阿 作者:所写的《郑渊洁童话之智齿》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
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- 当结果出来时,兽医们大吃一惊:力力士是一只机器猴!具有生物猴外表的机器猴 生物猴居然能生出机器猴!随着新闻界百米赛跑式的报道,这件事震动了全世界。闻迅赶来研究力力士的各国专家云集该动物园,他们不吃饭不睡觉不干一切与研究 作者:所写的《郑渊洁童话全集 机器猴传奇 皮皮鲁和小木猴》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转
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- 郑渊洁童话全集 309暗室
- 皮皮鲁和鲁西西的家原先住在一栋老式楼房里。连他们的爸爸妈妈也说不清这栋楼房是哪个年代建造的。楼房的墙壁很厚,非常坚固,而且冬暖夏凉。1955年郑渊洁出生在河北省石家庄市,其父原籍山西临汾,其母原籍浙江绍兴。1961年郑渊洁随父母迁入北京。在北京马甸小学就读到四年级时,无产阶级文化大革命爆发,自此中断
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