It looksas if Genius had followed the caprices of a child, in the adornment ofthese singular temples. Do you see the winged lion on the pillar?The gold glitters still, but his wings are tied- the lion is dead, forthe king of the sea is dead; the great halls stand desolate, and wheregorgeous paintings hung of yore, the naked wall now peers through. Thelazzarone sleeps under the arcade, whose pavement in old times wasto be trodden only by the feet of high nobility. From the deepwells, and perhaps from the prisons by the Bridge of Sighs, rise theaccents of woe, as at the time when the tambourine was heard in thegay gondolas, and the golden ring was cast from the Bucentaur toAdria, the queen of the seas. Adria! shroud thyself in mists; letthe veil of thy widowhood shroud thy form, and clothe in the weedsof woe the mausoleum of thy bridegroom- the marble, spectral Venice."
"I looked down upon a great theatre," said the Moon. "The housewas crowded, for a new actor was to make his first appearance thatnight. My rays glided over a little window in the wall, and I saw apainted face with the forehead pressed against the panes. It was thehero of the evening. The knighly beard curled crisply about thechin; but there were tears in the man"s eyes, for he had been hissedoff, and indeed with reason. The poor Incapable! But Incapables cannotbe admitted into the empire of Art. He had deep feeling, and loved hisart enthusiastically, but the art loved not him. The prompter"s bellsounded; "the hero enters with a determined air," so ran the stagedirection in his part, and he had to appear before an audience whoturned him into ridicule. When the piece was over, I saw a formwrapped in a mantle, creeping down the steps: it was the vanquishedknight of the evening. The scene-shifters whispered to one another,and I followed the poor fellow home to his room. To hang one"s self isto die a mean death, and poison is not always at hand, I know; buthe thought of both. I saw how he looked at his pale face in the glass,with eyes half closed, to see if he should look well as a corpse. Aman may be very unhappy, and yet exceedingly affected. He thought ofdeath, of suicide; I believe he pitied himself, for he weptbitterly, and when a man has had his cry out he doesn"t kill himself.
"Since that time a year had rolled by. Again a play was to beacted, but in a little theatre, and by a poor strolling company. AgainI saw the well-remembered face, with the painted cheeks and thecrisp beard. He looked up at me and smiled; and yet he had been hissedoff only a minute before- hissed off from a wretched theatre, by amiserable audience. And tonight a shabby hearse rolled out of thetown-gate. It was a suicide- our painted, despised hero. The driver ofthe hearse was the only person present, for no one followed exceptmy beams. In a corner of the churchyard the corpse of the suicidewas shovelled into the earth, and nettles will soon be growingrankly over his grave, and the sexton will throw thorns and weeds fromthe other graves upon it."
"I come from Rome," said the Moon. "In the midst of the city, uponone of the seven hills, lie the ruins of the imperial palace. The wildfig tree grows in the clefts of the wall, and covers the nakednessthereof with its broad grey-green leaves; trampling among heaps ofrubbish, the ass treads upon green laurels, and rejoices over the rankthistles. From this spot, whence the eagles of Rome once flewabroad, whence they "came, saw, and conquered," our door leads intoa little mean house, built of clay between two pillars; the wildvine hangs like a mourning garland over the crooked window. An oldwoman and her little granddaughter live there: they rule now in thepalace of the Caesars, and show to strangers the remains of its pastglories. Of the splendid throne-hall only a naked wall yet stands, anda black cypress throws its dark shadow on the spot where the throneonce stood. The dust lies several feet deep on the broken pavement;and the little maiden, now the daughter of the imperial palace,often sits there on her stool when the evening bells ring. The keyholeof the door close by she calls her turret window; through this she cansee half Rome, as far as the mighty cupola of St. Peter"s.
"On this evening, as usual, stillness reigned around; and in thefull beam of my light came the little granddaughter. On her head shecarried an earthen pitcher of antique shape filled with water. Herfeet were bare, her short frock and her white sleeves were torn. Ikissed her pretty round shoulders, her dark eyes, and black shininghair. She mounted the stairs; they were steep, having been made upof rough blocks of broken marble and the capital of a fallen pillar.The coloured lizards slipped away, startled, from before her feet, butshe was not frightened at them. Already she lifted her hand to pullthe door-bell- a hare"s foot fastened to a string formed thebell-handle of the imperial palace. She paused for a moment- of whatmight she be thinking?
- 长安长安长安
- 那年我向神明许愿。一求父母长乐无忧,二望舅舅健康长寿,三愿阿知幸福美满,四盼明明平安归来,五念.可我阿母时常郁郁寡欢,舅舅常年病痛累积,阿知最后精神崩溃,明明永远留在了边疆 确实回过头看,我这一生倒也是圆满,年少时遇到了最惊艳的少年,有过最真挚的友情 细细说来,哪怕我眼睛看不见了,阿母和舅舅都替我准
- 都市言情梨涡家的大胖猫连载中
- 最新章:八
- 重生公主童话
- 重生的她,含着报复而来,其实她也曾如白雪公主一样善良对待身边的人,但是,友情输了,爱情输了,甚至连生命都输掉,当契机到来,她说谁相信老天的报应,所有害她的人,欠她的债,她要靠自己亲手讨回来 作者:沈苔雅所写的《重生公主童话》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
- 都市言情沈苔雅完本
- 最新章:第八十六章 大结局
- 生活的童话
- 她对他说:最近风迷一部韩剧,女学生们可喜欢了,叫太阳的后裔,讲韩国军人的。他是没想到女孩们居然开始喜欢看军人戏了,到也算是个有利战机,能糊弄来几个解决队里的单身问题也不错,于是无意中问了问剧情—然后…她道:他们不算,你们才应该是太阳的后裔。得知真相后,他淡淡回道:是后羿,射日的那个 作者:所写的《生
- 都市言情未知完本
- 最新章:第47章
- 书生的童话
- 写一本属于自己的童话 作者:书生红旭东所写的《书生的童话》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
- 都市言情书生红旭东连载中
- 最新章:从前的故事(七)
- 超级书童/血徒
- 超级书童作者:血徒赵子文本是一个浙大的在校生,因为一次意外落水,来到一个是宋朝的时代,却不是宋朝的国度,历史的轨迹因何而改变 秦观,李清照,苏轼一一出现,赵子文该如何与他们相处 赵明城的墙角,该不该挖?可惜还是被赵子文给挖了,咱总不能让李大才女守gua吧 谁说百无一用是书生,就看小小书童赵子文如何穿
- 历史军事未知连载中
- 最新章:第397章
- 同居的童话
- 伤心故事 作者:所写的《同居的童话》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
- 都市言情未知连载中
- 郑渊洁童话之智齿
- 不用多讲了吧,他的童话伴随我们渡过了美好的童年,值得怀念阿 作者:所写的《郑渊洁童话之智齿》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
- 科幻小说未知连载中
- 郑渊洁童话全集 机器猴传奇 皮皮鲁和小木猴
- 当结果出来时,兽医们大吃一惊:力力士是一只机器猴!具有生物猴外表的机器猴 生物猴居然能生出机器猴!随着新闻界百米赛跑式的报道,这件事震动了全世界。闻迅赶来研究力力士的各国专家云集该动物园,他们不吃饭不睡觉不干一切与研究 作者:所写的《郑渊洁童话全集 机器猴传奇 皮皮鲁和小木猴》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转
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- 郑渊洁童话全集 309暗室
- 皮皮鲁和鲁西西的家原先住在一栋老式楼房里。连他们的爸爸妈妈也说不清这栋楼房是哪个年代建造的。楼房的墙壁很厚,非常坚固,而且冬暖夏凉。1955年郑渊洁出生在河北省石家庄市,其父原籍山西临汾,其母原籍浙江绍兴。1961年郑渊洁随父母迁入北京。在北京马甸小学就读到四年级时,无产阶级文化大革命爆发,自此中断
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