I won"t say any more just now, but I
think I know just the thing ..."
He tapped his nose again and strode off.
Lockhart"s idea of a morale-booster became clear at breakfast time on
February fourteenth. Harry hadn"t had much sleep because of a late-
running Quidditch practice the night before, and he hurried down to
the Great Hall, slightly late. He thought, for a moment, that he"d
walked through the wrong doors.
The walls were all covered with large, lurid pink flowers. Worse
still, heart-shaped confetti was falling from the pale blue ceiling. Harry
went over to the Gryffindor table, where Ron was sitting looking
sickened, and Hermione seemed to have been overcome with giggles.
"What"s going on?" Harry asked them, sitting down and wiping confetti
off his bacon.
Ron pointed to the teachers" table, apparently too disgusted to speak.
Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations, was
waving for silence. The teachers on either side of him were looking
stony-faced. From where he sat, Harry could see a muscle going in
Professor McGonagall"s cheek. Snape looked as though someone had
just fed him a large beaker of Skele-Gro.
"Happy Valentine"s Day!" Lockhart shouted. "And may I thank the
forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the
liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all - and it doesn"t end
Lockhart clapped his hands and through the doors to the entrance hall
marched a dozen surly-looking dwarfs. Not just any dwarfs, however.
Lockhart had them all wearing golden wings and carrying harps.
"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be
roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun
doesn"t stop here! I"m sure my colleagues will want to enter into the
spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how
to whip up a Love Potion! And while you"re at it, Professor Flitwick
knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I"ve
ever met, the sly old dog!"
Professor Flitwick buried his face in his hands. Snape was looking
as though the first person to ask him for a Love Potion would be
force-fed poison.
"Please, Hermione, tell me you weren"t one of the forty-six, 51 said Ron
as they left the Great Hall for their first lesson. Hermione suddenly
became very interested in searching her bag for her schedule and
didn"t answer.
All day long, the dwarfs kept barging into their classes to deliver
valentines, to the annoyance of the teachers, and late that afternoon as
the Gryffindors were walking upstairs for Charms, one of the dwarfs
caught up with Harry.
"Oy, you! "Arty Potter!" shouted a particularly grim-looking dwarf,
elbowing people out of the way to get to Harry.
Hot all over at the thought of being given a valentine in front of a line
of first years, which happened to include Ginny Weasley, Harry tried
to escape. The dwarf, however, cut his way through the crowd by
kicking people"s shins, and reached him before he"d gone two paces.
"I"ve got a musical message to deliver to "Arry Potter in person," he
said, twanging his harp in a threatening sort of way.
"Not here," Harry hissed, trying to escape.
"Stay still!" grunted the dwarf, grabbing hold of Harry"s bag and pulling
him back.
"Let me go!" Harry snarled, tugging.
With a loud ripping noise, his bag split in two. His books, wand,
parchment, and quill spilled onto the floor and his ink bottle smashed
over everything.
Harry scrambled around, trying to pick it all up before the dwarf
started singing, causing something of a holdup in the corridor.
"What"s going on here?"
- 霍格沃茨的中国留学生
- 2021年,出生在国内魔法世家的白振宇,获得了霍格沃茨魔法学院留学生的资格 本来他以为哈利·波特的孩子都已经毕业了,但是他却意外地发现,哈利也才只有11岁,两个人竟然是同学 这个世界是怎么回事?为什么迟到了三十年 作者:火炀所写的《霍格沃茨的中国留学生》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
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- 最新章:重要通知
- 在霍格沃兹的中国留学生
- (关键词:原著向,尊重原著设定。原著粉可入,想看乐子人或搞怪慎入)道法与魔法的碰撞会擦出怎么样的火花 伏地魔的魂器是否另有隐情?让纳威学剑法是否搞错了什么?重生为伦敦华裔的张潇从来没想过,自己摆摊算命的父母居然还真的会道法,更没想到有一天会收到霍格沃兹的录取通知书 Ps:拒绝踩一捧一,更希望通过这本
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- 最新章:第28章
- 留学生同居
- 一晃在国外已经4年了,我一个人一身休闲装走在繁华的大街上,眼球也在不停的注视着过往的美女们,不过我在新加坡是很少看女孩子的脸的,原因很简单,看过之后再好的身材,你也有种想吐的冲动。用我一个朋友的话总结新加坡的女孩子来说就是看到背后想犯罪、看到侧面想后退、看到正面想自卫selfdefence 哇!迎面
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- 我在现代留过学
- 所谓天子者,父天母地,为天之子!或曰:天子做民父母,以为天下王 而朕,曾为天子!承六世之余烈,邵述先帝之志。鞭西贼而惩旧党,所能必为,所伐必克,扫皇宋百年之积弊,使天威远畅,丑氐震叠 奈何天不假年,英年早逝!幸上苍哀怜,使朕于九百年后重活,留学于现代之世,经历科学之盛 如今!朕留学归来,重归少年。三
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- 最新章:第73章
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- 都市言情月上潮完本
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- 我从天界留学归来
- 作为地球上唯一一个在天界第一学府,不周山通天学院留学的留学生,陈枫的前途本是一片光明,怎料天界突然未知原因封路,让回家探亲的陈枫滞留在了地球 本以为靠自己修仙者的身份,能够在地球混得有滋有味,但是很快他就发现,地球上早就异人辈出,强者遍地,世界变得有些不一样了 作者:鬼谷仙师所写的《我从天界留学归来
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