Letter from King George III to the Emperor of China
His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third, by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Sovereign of the Seas, Defender of the Faith and so forth, To the Supreme Emperor of China Kien-long orthy to live tens of thousands and tens of thousands thousand years, sendeth Greeting.
The natural disposition of a great and benevolent Sovereign, such as is Your Imperial Majesty, hom Providence has seated upon a Throne for the good of Mankind, is, to atch over the peace and security of his domini翠¤, and to take pains for disseminating happiness, virtue and knoledge among his subjects, extending also the same beneficence ith all the peaceful arts, as far as he is able, to the hole human race.
Impressed ith such sentiments from the beginning of Our Reign hen e found Our People engaged in ar e granted to Our enemies, after obtaining Victories over them in the four quarters of the orld the blessings of Peace upon the most equitable conditi翠¤. Since that period not satisfied ith promoting the prosperity of Our on subjects in every respect, and beyond the example of any former times e have taken various opportunities of fitting out Ships and sending in them some of the most ise and learned of Our On People, for the discovery of distant and unkon regi翠¤, not for the purpose of conquest, or of enlarging Our domini翠¤ hich are already sufficiently extensive for all Our ishes, not for the purpose of acquiring ealth, or even of favoring the commerce of Our Subjects, but for the sake of increasing Our knoledge of the habitable Globe, of finding out the various producti翠¤ of the Earth, and for communicating the arts and comforts of life to those parts here they ere hitherto little knon; and e have since sent vessels ith the animals and vegetables most useful to Man, to Islands and places here it appeared they had been anting.
e have been still more anxious to enquire into the arts and manners of Countries here civilizati翠¤ has been perfected by the ise ordinances and virtuous examples of their Sovereigns thro a long series of ages; and above all, Our ardent ish had been to become acquainted ith those celebrated instituti翠¤ of Your Majesty’s populous and extensive Empire hich have carried its prosperity to such a height as to be the admiration of all surrounding Nati翠¤ –
And no that e have by prudence and Justice avoided the calamities of ar into hich discord and ambition have plunged most of the other Kingdoms of Europe, and that by engaging Our Allies in Hindostan to put an end to hostilities occasioned by the attack of an ambious Neighbour, even hen it as in Our poer to destroy him, e have the happiness of being at peace ith all the orld, no time can be so propitious for extending the bounds of friendship and benebolence, and for proposing to communicate and receive those benefits hich must result from an unreserved and amicable intercourse, beteen such great and civilzed Nati翠¤ as China and Great Britain.
Many of Our subjects have also frequented for a long time past a remote part of Your Majesty’s domini翠¤ for the purpose of Trade. No doubt, the interchange of commodities beteen Nati翠¤ distantly situated tends to their mutual convenience, industry and ealth, as the blessings hich the Great God of Heaven has conferred upon various soils and climates are thus distributed among his Creatures scattered over the surface of the Earth.
But such an intercourse requires to be properly conducted, so as that the ne Comers may not infringe the las and Customs of the Country they visit, and that on the other hand they may be received on terms of hospitality and meet the Justice and protection due to Strangers. e are indeed equally desirous to restrain Our Subjects from doing evil or even of sheing ill example in any foreign Country, as e are that [they] should receive no injury in it.
There is no method of effecting so good a purpose, but by the residence of a proper Person authorized by Us to regulate their conduct and to receive complaints against them henever they should give occasion for any to be made against them, as ell as any they might c翠¤ider as having just cause to make of ill treatment toards them.
By such means every misunderstanding may be prevented, every inconveniences removed, a firm and lasting friendship cemented and a return of mutual good offices secured beteen our respective Empires.
All these c翠¤iderati翠¤ have determined Us to depute an Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Your Court, and illing to make choice for this purpose of a Person truly orthy of representing Us and of appearing before Your August Presence e have fixed upon Our right trusty and ell-beloved Cousin and Counsellor the Right Honorable George Lord Viscount Macartney, Baron of Lissanoure and one of Our most honorable Privy Council of Our Kingdom of Great Britain, Knight of the most honorable order of the Bath and of the most ancient and royal order of the hite Eagle, and Fello of Our Royal Society of London for the promotion of natural knoledge, a Nobleman of high rank and quality, of great virtue, isdom and ability, ho has filled many important offices in the State of trust and honor, has already orthily represented Our Person in an Embassy to the Court of Russia, and has governed ith mildness, justice and success, several of Our most c翠¤iderable possessi翠¤ in the Eastern and estern Parts of the orld, and appointed to the Government General of Bengal, to be Our Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Your Imperial Majesty ith credentials under Our Great Seal of Our Kingdoms and Our Sign Manual, to hom e entreat Your Majesty to grant a gracious reception, as ell as a favorable attention to his Representati翠¤.
And in order to avoid every possibility of interruption in this amicable communication hich e ish to establish and maintain ith Your sublime Person and Court, and hich might happen after the departure of Our said Embassador Extraordinary hose presence may be necessary to Our Affairs elsehere or in case of his death or ocassional absence from Your Capital, e have appointed Our trusty and ell beloved Sir George Staunton, Bart., honorary Doctor of Las of Our University of Oxford, and Fello of Our Royal Society of London for the promoti翠¤ of natural knoledge, hom e have appointed Our Secretary of Embassy under the direction of Our Embassador as a Gentleman of isdom and knoledge ho hath already served us ith fidelity and zeal as a Member of Our honorable Council and Colonel of Militia in some of Our Domini翠¤ in the est Indies, and appointed by Us Our Attorney General in the same, and hath since exercised ith ability and success the Office of Commissioner for treating and making Peace ith Tippoo Sultaun, one of the most c翠¤iderable Princes of Hindostan, to be also Minister Plenipotentiary to Your August Person, ith Credentials likeise under Our Great Seal, and for hom, in case of the death departure or occasional absence of Our said Embassador Extraordinary, e entreat in like manner Your Majesty’s gracious reception and attention to his Representati翠¤ in Our name.
e rely on Your Imperial Majesty’s isdom and Justice and general benevolence to Mankind so c翠¤picuous in Your long and happy reign that You ill please to allo Our Ambassador and Representative at Your Court to have the opportunity of contemplating the example of Your virtues and to obtain such information of Your celebrated instituti翠¤ as ill enable him to enlighten Our People on his return; He, on Our part being directed to give, as far as Your Majesty shall please to desire it, a full and free communication of any art, science, or observation, either of use or curiosity, hich the industry ingenuity and experience of Europeans may have enabled them to acquire:
And also that You ill be pleased to ① allo to any of Our Subjects frequenting the Coasts of Your domini翠¤, and conducting themselves ith propriety a secure residence there, and a fair access to Your Markets, under such las and regulati翠¤, as Your Majesty shall think right, and that their lives and properties shall be safe under Your Imperial protection: ② that one Man shall not suffer for the crime of another, in hich he did not participate, and hose evasion for Justice he did not assist, but that every measure shall be taken on the part of your Government as Our Embassador is instructed strictly to direct to be taken on the part of Our People to seize and bring to condign Punishment, any of Our Subjects transgressing the las or good order of Your Empire, or disturbing the Peace and friendship subsisting beteen Us.
e have particularly instructed Our Embassador to take every method in his Poer to mark Our regard and friendly disposition to Your Imperial Majesty, and it ill give Us the utmost satisfaction to learn that Our ishes in that respect have been amply complied ith and that as e are Brethren in Soverignty, so may a Brotherly affection ever subsist beteen Us.
May the Almighty have you in his holy protection!
Given at Our Court at St. James’s in London the
And in the 32nd Year of Our Reign.
Imperator Augustissime
Vester bonus grater et Amicus
Georgius R
Augustissimo Principi
Kien Long
Sinarum Supremo Imperatori
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