Bliss remained for a moment in thought. Then she shrugged. "Well,perhaps I"ll keep an eye on him."
For the next thirty-six hours, Trevize was vaguely aware that Bliss and, to a lesser degree, Pelorat, tended to dog his footsteps. Still, that was not utterly unusual in a ship as compact as theirs, and he had other things on his mind.
Now, as he sat at the computer, he was aware of them standing just inside the doorway. He looked up at them, his face blank.
"Well?" he said, in a very quiet voice.
Pelorat said, rather awkwardly, "How are you, Golan?"
Trevize said, "Ask Bliss. She"s been staring at me intently for hours. She must be poking through my mind. Aren"t you, Bliss?"
"No, I am not," said Bliss evenly, "but if you feel the need for my help, I can try. Do you want my help?"
"No, why should I? Leave me alone. Both of you."
Pelorat said, "Please tell us what"s going on."
"Is Earth "
"Yes, it is. What everyone insisted on telling us is perfectly true." Trevize gestured at the viewscreen, where Earth presented its nightside and was eclipsing the sun. It was a solid circle of black against the starry sky, its circumference outlined by a broken orange curve.
Pelorat said, "Is that orange the radioactivity?"
"No. Just refracted sunlight through the atmosphere. It would be a solid orange circle if the atmosphere weren"t so cloudy. We can"t see the radioactivity. The various radiations, even the gamma rays, are absorbed by the atmosphere. However, they do set up secondary radiations,comparatively feeble ones, but the computer can detect them. They"re still invisible to the eye, but the computer can produce a photon of visible light for each particle or wave of radiation it receives and put Earth into false color. Look."
And the black circle glowed with a faint, blotchy blue.
"How much radioactivity is there?" asked Bliss, in a low voice. "Enough to signify that no human life can exist there?"
"No life of any kind," said Trevize. "The planet is uninhabitable. The last bacterium, the last virus, is long gone."
"Can we explore it?" said Pelorat. "I mean, in space suits."
"For a few hours before we come down with irreversible radiation sickness."
"Then what do we do, Golan?"
"Do?" Trevize looked at Pelorat with that same expressionless face. "Do you know what I would like to do? I would like to take you and Bliss and the child back to Gaia and leave you all there forever. Then I would like to go back to Terminus and hand back the ship. Then I would like to resign from the Council, which ought to make Mayor Branno very happy. Then I would like to live on my pension and let the Galaxy go as it will. I won"t care about the Seldon Plan, or about the Foundation, or about the Second Foundation, or about Gaia. The Galaxy can choose its own path. It will last my time and why should I care a snap as to what happens afterward?"
"Surely, you don"t mean it, Golan," said Pelorat urgently.
Trevize stared at him for a while, and then he drew a long breath. "No,I don"t, but, oh, how I wish I could do exactly what I have just outlined to you."
"Never mind that. What will you do?"