不论学生所选的学习专业是什么方向,都不能用以证明此申请人的学术能力。签证官不可以超越I-20上面的表述,自行判定此外国学生在美大学的入学资格。如果签证官有理由相信此学生签证申请人,在其当时申请大学时,通过任何隐瞒或欺骗行为,从而获得了入学通知书,那么签证官凭借此信息,可以有充分理由怀疑这个申请人赴美的目的是否真的是去学习。如果签证官认为此申请的情形适用于INA 212 (a) (6) (c), 那么通常要求对此申请人的录取结果进行核实。
b) 关于社区学院或者那些不够知名的学府:所有合法的美国院校,依照法律,都必须一视同仁。INA对那些有资格发放I-20表格的学校不会基于学校的大小或知名度而区别对待。从法律的角度来讲,社区大学、英文培训学校、和四年制教育机构之间是没有区别的。学生签证的申请,应该从她或他赴美的真正目的是否为学习的角度来评判,而不应与其所学专业或学校知名与否挂钩。如果签证官对于此学校的真实性有任何怀疑,可以联系DHS或CA/VO/F/P来核实。
8.Test of FAM Notes:9 FAM 41.61 N5.1 Residence Abroad Required(ct: visa-706; 02-17-2005)The INA requires that the applicant possess a residence in a foreign country he or she has no intention of abandoning. The regulations require that the consular officer be satisfied that the alien intends to depart upon termination of student status. Consequently, the consular officer must be satisfied that the applicant, at the time of visa application:(1)Has a residence abroad;(2)Has no immediate intention of abandoning that residence; and(3)Intends to depart from the Unites States upon completion of the course of study.
9 FAM 41.61 N5.2 Context of Residence Abroad for Student Visas(ct:visa-706; 02-17-2005)The context of the residence abroad requirement for student visas inherently differs from the context for b visitor visas or other short-term visas. The statute clearly pre-supposes that the natural circumstances and conditions of being a student do not disqualify that applicant from obtaining a student visa. It is natural that the student does not possess ties of property, employment, family obligation, and continuity of life typical of b visa applicants. These ties are typically weakly held by student applicants, as the student is often single, unemployed, without property, and is at the stage in life of deciding and developing his or her future plans. This general condition is further accentuated in light of the student"s proposed extended absence from his or her homeland. (see 9 FAM 41.11 n2)Nonetheless, the consular officer must be satisfied at the time of application for a visa that an alien possesses the present intent to depart the U.S. at the conclusion of his or her studies. That this intention is subject to change or even likely to change is not a sufficient reason to deny a visa.
9 FAM 41.61 N5.3 Relationship of Education or training would not appear to be useful in the homeland is not, in itself, a basis for refusing an f-1 or m-1 visa. This remains true if the applicant"s proposed course of study seems to be impractical. For example, if a person from a developing country may wish to study nuclear engineering simply because he enjoys it, he may no more be denied a visa because there is no market for a nuclear engineer"s skills in his homeland than he may be denied a visa for the study of philosophy or greek simply because they do not lead to a specific vocation.
9 FAM 41.61 N5.4 Availability of Collateral Academic Education in the Applicant"s Homeland(ct:visa-706; 02-17-2005)The fact that education or training similar to that which the applicant plans to undertake is apparently available in the home country is not in itself a basis for refusing a student visa. An applicant may legitimately seek to study in the United States for various reasons, including a higher standard of education or training. Furthermore, the desired education or training in the applicant"s homeland may be only theoretically available; openings in local schools and institutions may be already filled or reserved for others.
STATE 00180015 003.2 OF 003对于FAM照会的解读与评判依据:9FAM 41.61 N5.1 要求申请人在外国(母国)有固定居所( ct: visa-706; 02-17-2005 )INA要求申请者在外国有一个其不想放弃的固定居所。
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