Adagio asked as he came next to Lycaenna.
“You don’t look too happy yourself,” Lycaenna said, while fixing her bangs, a move she did when she was nervous.
“I’m happy seeing you.”
Lycaenna blushed a little. “Where are the others that you were traveling with? I want to thank your partner. If I hadn’t seen her perform that day, I would not have become what I am today: a dancer. Where is she? Inside?”
Adagio looked away for a moment. “We dis-banded.”
“What?—but why?”
“We were attacked.”
“Cecilia, the girl dancer, was killed; my violin was taken away and my hands……they were all slashed and there’s no more feeling left in them for a long time, but they are starting to come back.”
There was a long and complete silence. Then Lycaenna started to wobble a little. Adagio helped her sit down on the soft grass and he sat by her side.
Overhead was a huge moon, soft and yellow, like an egg yoke--a huge egg yoke.
“When did this happen?”
“Not long after I met you.”
Lycaenna started to cry.
After good 10 minutes cry, Lycaenna calmed down and, urged by Adagio, told everything that had happened to her: the meeting of the other 3 girls, Lyrata’s angel-awakening, and her fear not to win the competition.
“Lycaenna, are you happy to be a dancer?’
“Of course! It earns me food and lodging.”
“But do you enjoy dancing? I mean, when you dance, are you thinking of how others will react to you or are you lost in your performance?”
“I……I have to care about others’ reaction, of course. If they don’t like my dancing, I won’t get paid.”
“You’re wrong, Lycaenna,” said Adagio softly. “Dacing to make a living is different from dancing that is the only thing that matters to you, and your body and soul scream for dancing, for expressing your feelings. Only so doing, can you put all of your passion into it, which will find its way into the hearts of the people around you. Enjoy the process and the joy that give you, then you’ll give them to the others—they feel it. That was the attitude and passion with which Cecilia had when dancing and that is why her dancing could affect everyone and leave a long lasting impression.”
Lycaenna looked at Adagio.
“Can you think back to when you saw her performing? What was it that really made you want to be like her?”
Lycaenna looked at Adagio and said nothing.
“Do you know what made me play violin?”
“Then let me tell you.” Said Adagio as sat down on the soft grass.
Lycaena took a seat next to him and looked at the busy town below the cliff.
“I grew up in the countryside, there was nothing much to do other than plant seeds into the ground and watch them grow. One day, as I was walking through the fields I heard the sound of a violin, it sounded so joyous and full of life that I decided to see who was the one playing it. I followed the sound of the music and soon saw the musician, but he wasn’t what I had expected. For one, he was not human; he was a monster that looked like a human-sized grasshopper, named Rocker. He had two pairs of hands, one pair held a giant leaf to block out the sun and the other pair he used to play the violin. I was surprised that a monster could play such wonderful music because I was taught that monsters knew nothing other than killing and inflicting pain. I decided that Rocker was different from the rest. Everyday I would hear him playing his violin, it made my days go by faster and more enjoyable.”
Adagio stopped for a minute. “As time went on, others discovered the Rocker, and even though I had told them that Rocker was doing no harm onto anyone, the others would not listen to me and insisted the Rocker must be killed. I tried to stop them but ended up getting beaten up myself. But a couple black eyes were nothing compaired to the wounds on the Rocker---he was dying. And even then, he still wanted to play the violin. I picked up the shattered instrument and handed it to the Rocker, but the Rocker didn’t take it, instead he gave me a small pat on my head and slowly closed his eyes.
“I buried the rocker and kept his violin. The fields became more isolated and sad looking than ever before. One night, I sat down and fixed Rocker’s violin and in the following years I figured out how to play Rocker’s song. Then, when I heard news that a traveling group of performers were passing through the countryside where I lived, I asked them if I could go with them, I couldn’t bear to stay in a place that could be so heartless to a defencless soul whose only wish was to play the violin. After they heard my performance, they agreed that I could go with them and when they asked for my name, I gave them a fake one, one that was a music term --- Adagio.
“In the group, I played the violin, and Cecilia, the blind girl who was assigned to be my partner, danced to it. We……were a nice pair.” Adagio finished in a sad whisper. “Now do you know why I decided to become a bard and play the violin?”
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