Additionally, General Re was overly-competitive in going after, and retaining, business. While all concerned may intend to underwrite with care, it is nonetheless difficult for able, hard-driving professionals to curb their urge to prevail over competitors. If "winning," however, is equated with market share rather than profits, trouble awaits. "No" must be an important part of any underwriter"s vocabulary.
At the risk of sounding Pollyannaish, I now assure you that underwriting discipline is being restored at General Re (and its Cologne Re subsidiary) with appropriate urgency. Joe Brandon was appointed General Re"s CEO in September and, along with Tad Montross, its new president, is committed to producing underwriting profits. Last fall, Charlie and I read Jack Welch"s terrific book, Jack, Straight from the Gut (get a copy!). In discussing it, we agreed that Joe has many of Jack"s characteristics: He is smart, energetic, hands-on, and expects much of both himself and his organization.
虽然听起来有点过度乐观,不过我还是向各位保证通用再保(以及其子公司科隆再保)的承保纪律目前正在恢复当中,Joe Brandon已在九月被任命为通用再保的新任总裁,再加上新任总经理Tad Montross皆致力于转亏为盈,去年秋天,查理跟我在读了奇异总裁-杰克威尔许的新书-直言无讳(赶快去买一本来看),在经过讨论后,我们都认为Joe拥有许多杰克谈到的特点,他相当聪明、有活力、经验也够,同时对本身及组织都有深切的自我期许。
When it was an independent company, General Re often shone, and now it also has the considerable strengths Berkshire brings to the table. With that added advantage and with underwriting discipline restored, General Re should be a huge asset for Berkshire. I predict that Joe and Tad will make it so.
At the National Indemnity reinsurance operation, Ajit Jain continues to add enormous value to Berkshire. Working with only 18 associates, Ajit manages one of the world"s largest reinsurance operations measured by assets, and the largest, based upon the size of individual risks assumed. I have known the details of almost every policy that Ajit has written since he came with us in 1986, and never on even a single occasion have I seen him break any of our three underwriting rules. His extraordinary discipline, of course, does not eliminate losses; it does, however, prevent foolish losses. And that"s the key: Just as is the case in investing, insurers produce outstanding long-term results primarily by avoiding dumb decisions, rather than by making brilliant ones.
在国家产险的再保业务方面,Ajit Jain继续为Berkshire增添了许多价值,只靠着18位同仁的协助,Ajit管理全世界前几大(以资产计)的再保险业务,而若以承担的整体风险来算,更是全世界第一,自从他1986年加入以来,对于他承接的所有保单,我知之甚详,但我从来没有发现他违背前述三项原则,虽然他严格的纪律无法保证绝不会发生损失,但他确实可以避免不必要的错误,这就是关键,就像是我们在投资时一样,保险业者想要有优异的长期绩效,靠的不是少数的成功个案,而是如何持续避免做出愚蠢的决定。
Since September 11th, Ajit has been particularly busy. Among the policies we have written and retained entirely for our own account are (1) $578 million of property coverage for a South American refinery once a loss there exceeds $1 billion; (2) $1 billion of non-cancelable third-party liability coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism at several large international airlines; (3) £500 million of property coverage on a large North Sea oil platform, covering losses from terrorism and sabotage, above £600 million that the insured retained or reinsured elsewhere; and (4) significant coverage on the Sears Tower, including losses caused by terrorism, above a $500 million threshold. We have written many other jumbo risks as well, such as protection for the World Cup Soccer Tournament and the 2002 Winter Olympics. In all cases, however, we have attempted to avoid writing groups of policies from which losses might seriously aggregate. We will not, for example, write coverages on a large number of office and apartment towers in a single metropolis without excluding losses from both a nuclear explosion and the fires that would follow it.
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