sterr.Akad.d.Wissensch.Philos.-hist.Kl.,vol.78,pt.2.Vienna 1963.
[47]Information on the rights and authority of the co-Emperor is given in Michael Ⅷ’s prostagma of November 1272;cf.above,pp.422 and 457.
[48]Pseudo-Codinus 86.On this cf.F.Dolger,BZ 33(1933),141,Ostrogorsky,‘Avtokrator’108 ff.,117 ff.,and Annales de l’Institut Kondakov 10(1938),179 ff.,where it is shown that the title of Autocrator was not applied to co-Emperors before the Palaeologian period.
[49]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,243 ff.On this see M.Laskaris,Viz.princeze 73,and M.Dinic‘Odnos izmedju kralja Milutina i Dragutina’(Relations between King Milutin and Dragutin)ZRVI 3(1955),77 ff.who places this episode in the period around 1315.
[50]Cf.the excellent comments of Stein,‘Untersuchungen’20 ff.
[51]Cf.especially P.Charanis‘On the Social Structure and Economic Organization of the Byzantine Empire in the Thirteenth century and Later’BS 12(1951),94 ff.;A.P.Kazdan,Agrarnye otnosenija v Vizantii XIII-XIVvv.(Agrarian relations in Byzantium in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries),Moscow 1952;G.Rouillard,La vie rurale dans l’Empire byzantin,Paris 1953;Ostrogorsky,Paysannerie;B.T.Gorjanov,Pozdnevizantijskij immunitet(Late Byzantine immunity),VV 11(1956),177 ff.,12(1957),97 ff.;G.A.Ostrogorsky,‘K istorii immuniteta v Vizantii’,VV 13(1958),55 ff.(tr.‘Pour l’histoire de l’immunité à Byzance’,B 28(1958),165 ff.);D.Angelov,Agrarnite otnosenija v severna i sredna Makedonija prez XIVvek(Agrarian relations in northern and central Macedonia in the fourteenth century),Sofia 1958.
[52]Pachymeres Ⅰ,97.
[53]Ostrogorsky,Féodalité,92 ff.
[54]Chronicle of the Morea 4657 ff.
[55]Pachymeres Ⅰ,466.
[56]Chapman,Michel Paléologue 154,appears to accept a total strength at 20,000 men,assuming a mobile force of 15,000 with 5,000 garrisoning the towns.But no doubt the 15,000 soldiers fighting in the Peloponnese from about 1263-5(according to Hopf,followed by Chapman)were only part of the available troops,since fighting was going on at the same time in other districts.
[57]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,174;20.
[58]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,223,20 and 158,10.
[59]Cf.Stein,‘Untersuchungen’11 ff.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 6 and 23.
[60]Cf.Dolger,‘Zur Textgestaltung der Lavra-Urkunden und zu ihrer geschichtlichen Auswertung’,BZ 39(1939),64 f.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 2.
[61]Cf.Bratianu,Etudes byz.221 ff.
[62]Pachymeres Ⅱ,493 f.On this cf.Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 8 ff.,who correctly interprets the information given by Pachymeres and points out where earlier interpretations have gone wrong.
[63]Pachymeres Ⅱ,494.Graphic details of the misery and hunger of the Byzantine population are given in the letters of Athanasius Patriarch of Constantinople;cf.the extracts in R.Guilland,‘La correspondance inédite d’Athanase,Patriarche de Constantinople(1289-93;1304-10)’,Mélanges Diehl Ⅰ(1930),138 f.Cf.also Bratianu,?tudes byz.162 ff.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 109 f.
[64]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,317.
[65]Pachymeres Ⅱ,493.
[66]Cf.G.Ostrogorsky,‘Pour l’histoire de l’immunité à Byzance’,BZ 28(1958),211 ff.
[67]Stein,Studien 142 ff.
[68]Stein,‘Untersuchungen’10,considers that the sum of 1,000,000 hyperp.given by Nic.Gregoras was the state’s total revenue from all sources,which can hardly be true.But,allowing for the depreciation in value of the hyperpyron,he is probably not exaggerating when he estimates that the revenue towards the end of the thirteenth century before the tax reforms of Andronicus was‘at most an eighth of that of the iconoclast Emperors’。
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