mirat d’Aydin,Byzance et l’Occident.Recherches sur“La geste d’Umur Pacha”,Paris 1957.
[123]Cantacuzenus Ⅱ,393 f.
[124]Cf.Lemerle,L’Emirat d’Aydin,144 ff.
[125]Interesting information about Momcilo is given in the Turkish chronicle mentioned above,ed.Mélikoff-Sayar,101,124.
[126]Cf.M.Dinic,‘Za hronologiju Dusanovih osvajanja vizantiskih gradova’(On the chronology of Dusan’s conquest of Byzantine towns),ZRVI 4(1956),1 ff.
[127]R.J.Loenertz,‘Note sur une lettre de Démétrius Cydonès à Jean Cantacuzène’,BZ 44(1951)(Dolger-Festschrift),405 ff.,has admirably shown how a letter of Demetrius Cydones probably written in Berrhoia in the summer of 1345 expresses the rejoicing which was felt by Cantacuzenus’followers at this passing change.But Cydones’joy was rapidly turned to sorrow as is shoediately afterwards.
[128]Demetrius Cydones,PG 109,648 f.
[129]A thorough account of the activity of the western league in the forties of the fourteenth century is given by Gay,Clemént VI 32 ff.Cf.also Lemerle,L’Emirat d’Aydin,180 ff.,218 ff.
[130]According to Enveri,who gives a long and amusing account of the mattter,he had already offered her to Omur(ed.Ⅰ.Mélikoff-Sayar,p.106 ff.).
[132]Cf.the important study by F.Dolger,‘Johannes Ⅵ.Kantakuzenos als dynastischer Legitimist’,Annales de l’Inst.Kondakov 10(1938),19 ff.,esp.25 and 30 with the references to the sources.
[133]Cf.N16(1904),638 and 18(1905),39 f.
[134]On the date cf.A.Solovjev,‘Car Dusan u Serezu’(tzar Dusan at Serres),Jugosl.Istor.casopis 1(1935),474.On the question of the south-eastern frontier of Dusan’s kingdom cf.the observations of K.Jirecek,Archiv f.Salv Phil.17(1892),262 f.,who disagrees with the view of S.Novakovicthat the Serbian border extended as far as the Marica.Cf.also Lemerle,Phillipes,197 ff.The question has recently been studied by G.Skrivanic,‘O juznim i jugoistocnim granicama srpske drzave za vreme cara Dusana i posle njegove smrti’(Istor.casopis 11(1960),1 ff.)。
[135]For a closer determination of the date when Dusan assumed the title of Emperor(end of November of December 1345)cf.M.Laskaris,‘Povelje srpskih vladalaca u grckim publikacijama’(Charters of Serbian rulers in Greek publications),Prilozi za knjizevnost 8(1928),185 ff.In his Greek charters Dusan calls himself after the Byzantine style.On the other hand,the Serbian title,which has many minor variations,runs:‘Stefan v Christa Boga verni car Srbliem i Grkom’(Stephen in Christ our God the devout tzar of Serbs and Greeks).Cf.St.Stanojevic,‘Studije o srpskoj diplomatici’(Studies in Serbian diplomatic),Glas Srpske Akad.106(1923),40 ff.,and Ostrogorsky,‘Avtokrator’154 ff.On the ethnical re-interpretation of the Roman imperial conception by Dusan and the tzars of the Second Bulgarian Empire cf.Ostrogorsky,‘Die byzantinische Staaten-hierarchie’,Sem.Kond.8(1936),47,note 9.There is an interesting contribution to the history of Dusan’s title of tzar and its recognition or non-recognition by foreign powers by M.Dinic,‘Dusanova carska titula u ocima savremenika’(The title of the tzar Dusan in the eyes of contemporaries),Zbornik u cast seste stogodisnjice Zakonika cara Dusana,Ⅰ(1951),87 ff.Cf.also idem,‘Srpska vladarska titula za vreme Carstva’(The title of the Serbian ruler in the days of the tzardom),ZRVI 5(1958),9 ff.
[136]His Greek deeds of gift are modelled in all respects on the Byzantine imperial charters.Cf.the texts given by A.Solovjev-V.Mosin,Grcke povelje srpskih vladara(Greek charters of Serbian rulers),Belgrade 1936.
[137]Cf.G.Ostrogorsky‘K istorii immuniteta v Vizantii’,VV 13(1958),87 ff.
[138]A detailed survey of the extensive literature on the code of Dusan is given by N.Radojcicin Zbornik u cast seste stogodisnjice Zakonikna cara Dusana,Ⅰ(1951),207 ff.
[139]Cf.Jirecek,Geschichte I,369.
[140]Nic.Gregoras I,747.
[141]Cf.Jirecek,Geschichte Ⅰ,386.A.Solovjev,‘Greceskie archonty v serbskom carstve XIVv.’(Greek nobles in the Serbian Empire in the foruteenth century),BS 2(1930),275 ff.;G.Ostrogorsky,‘Dusan i njegova vlastela u borbi sa Vizantijom’(Dusan and his nobility in the struggle with Byzantium),Zbornik cara Dusana Ⅰ(1951),83 ff.
[142]In a document to Venice(15 October 1345)issued from the conquered Serres;S.Ljubic,Monum.hist.Slav.mer.Ⅱ,278.
[143]Cf.Miller,Essays 298 ff.
[144]Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,683;Cantacuzenus Ⅱ,302 ff.
[145]Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,842.
[146]Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,52.
[147]Miklosich-Müller Ⅲ,124 and 140;Hopf,Geschichte Ⅰ,444;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 92,99.
[148]Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,199 f.
[149]Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,788.Under Cantacuzenus the imperial table was only allotted a tenth of what it used to have,Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,811.
[150]According to a Western chronicle(Chron.Estense,Muratori 15,448)eight-ninths of the population of Constantinople perished;in any case,the number of the victims was exceedingly high,Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,49 ff.
[151]The idea has been widely accepted that the Byzantine dependency in the Morea formed a‘despotate’from this period on.According to Ferjancic,Despoti,this view must be abandoned.It is true that the sons of the Emperor who reigned in the Morea mostly bore the title of despot,but they did so not as governors of the region of the Morea,but as sons of the Emperor,or as his brothers.The granting of the title of despot has no relation in time or in fact to their despatch to the Peloponnese.The dependency of the Morea represented their apanage,similar to the other areas of the Empire which were bestowed on members of the ruling house as apanages at this period.Cf.also p.432,n.2 above.
[152]Cf.Stein,‘Untersuchungen’25 f.
[153]Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,80.
[154]Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,68 ff.Cf.Heyd,Commerce du Levant Ⅰ,498 ff.
[155]The figure given by Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,181,but 7,000 according to the obviously exaggerated account of Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,246.On the Despot Michael Palaeologus cf.Papadopulos,Genealogie der Palaiologen Nr.74.
[156]Cf.Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,248.Gregoras Ⅲ,181,says the Turks actually numbered 12,000 men.
[157]According to Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,33.Matthew originally had no special titular dignity but held a rank which was‘higher than that of a Despot and immediately below that of the Emperor’.This rank between Basileus and Despot,for which there was no special designation,was first held by the son of Michael Ⅷ,Constantine Palaeologus(Cantacuzenus,ibid.).This was the strange culmination of the increasing debasement and differentiation of titles:the scale of precedence among the highest honours had become so complicated that it could no longer be defined in concise terms.
[158]On the chronology cf.Charanis,‘Short Chronicle’347 ff.,based on Lampros-Amantos,Nr.52,22.Cf.also Jirecek,Archiv f.slav.Philol.14(1892),259.G.Georgiades Arnakis,‘Gregory Palamas among the Turks and Documents of his Captivity as Historical Sources’,Speculum 26(1951),111 f.and‘Gregory Palamas,theand the Fall of Gallipoli’B 22(1952),310 ff.,attempts to put the capture of Gallipoli in March 1355 on the ground of indirect evidence,but this is not possible since it is well established that the city fell to the Turks during John Cantacuzenus’reign.Cf.Charanis,‘On the Date of the Occupation of Gallipoli by the Turks’,BS 16(1955),113 ff.,who rightly argues that the city was captured in March 1354.
[159]Demetrius Cydones,Migne PG 154,1013.
[160]On the rule of the Gattilusio in Lesbos which lasted until the Turkish conquest in 1462 cf.Miller,Essays 313 ff.
[161]On the date of the fall of John Cantacuzenus(22 November 1354)cf.Loenertz,Lettres de D.Cydonès 109.
[162]Cf.J.Meyendorff,‘Projet de Concile Oecuménique n 1367:um dialogue inédit entre Jean Cantacuzène et le légat Paul’,DOP 14(1958)149 ff.
[163]Codinus,34 and 36.In the same way,the offices of the other logothetes,and even the once highly important office of City eparch,became empty titles,ibid.35 and 39 f.
[164]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,271,303 and 305.It is therefore not possible to agree with Dolger,Finanzverwaltung 20,that the office of thehad disappeared as early as 1204.Cf.the oppposite view of Stein,‘Untersuchungen’33;V.Laurent,EO 38(1939),368 ff.;P.Lemerle,Actes de Kutlumus No.34,p.131,J.Verpeaux,‘Le cursus honorum de Théodore Métochite’,REB 18(1960),195 ff.;I.Sevcenko,Etudes sur la polémique entre Théodore Métochite et Nicéphore Choumnos,Brussels 1962,272 ff.Cf.also Andreeva,Ocerki 39.
[165]Ljubic,Monum.hist.Slav.merid.Ⅲ,266;Safarik,Glasnik srpskog ucenog drustva 12(1860),13.
[166]Hopf,Geschichte Ⅰ,448.
[167]Cf.the full discussion by Lemerle,Phillipes,206 ff.who is the first to have given a clear account of the activities of the two brothers.
[168]Halecki,Un empereur 17 ff.,seems to overestimate the significance of the negotiations carried out under John Cantacuzenus;Gay,Clément VI 111 ff.,to whom Halecki refers,is far more reserved.Cf.also M.Viller,‘La question de l’union deséglises’,Revue d’hist eccl.18(1922),26 ff.
[169]There is a detailed analysis of the letter in Halecki,Un empereur 31 ff.
[170]Between autumn 1352 and spring 1354,according to V.Mosin,‘Sv.patrijarh Kalist i srpska crkve’(The blessed Patriarch Callistus and the Serbian Church),Glasnik srpske prav.crkve 27(1946),202.
[171]Matteo Villani,Muratori 14,567.
[172]The chronology of the Turkish conquests is very uncertain.According to M.Villani,Muratori 14,567 f.,Didymotichus was taken for a time as early as 1359 and then finally fell in November 1361.According to Panaretus of Trebizond,ed.O.Lapsidis(1958),74,15,Adrianople appears to have been last in Byzantine hands in 1362.Cf.Jirecck,Archiv f.slav.Philol 14(1892),260 and BZ 18(1909)582 f.Babinger,Beitrage 46 f.,would like to put back the capture of Didymotichus to 1360,and of Adrianople to 1361,but this seems to me impossible in view of the sources just quoted.R.J.Loenertz,‘Etudes sur les chroniques brèves byzantines’,OCP 24(1958)155 ff.,now actually places the fall of Adrianople in the year 1360(p.159),basing his view on a Venetian chronicle and on the Short Chronicle Lampros-Amantos,No.36.But both sources obviously contain errors and confusions.Loenertz himself notes this with respect to the Short Chronicle No.36;with regard to the Venetian source cf.the observations of S.cirkovicin S.Novakovic,Srbi i Turci XⅥ i XV veka(Serbs and Turks in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries),Belgrade 1960,445 f.The suggestion of A.Burmov,‘Koga e zavladjan Odrin ot turcite?
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