Gillette Says Warren Buffett Will Resign From Board
By Dan Lonkevich
Boston, Oct. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will resign as a director of Gillette Co., the world"s largest maker of razors, after 14 years because of increasing demands on his time as head of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. He said Berkshire intends to retain its holdings in Gillette stock.
Berkshire owns about 96 million shares, or 9 percent of Gillette, making it the second-largest shareholder of the Boston- based company, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing in June. Since 1998, Buffett"s holding company has bought 22 companies, purchases that have taken up more of Buffett"s time and led to his decision to leave the board, Gillette said.
Under Chief Executive James Kilts, who took over 20 months ago, Gillette has cut 3,700 jobs, closed six plants and reduced debt. Buffett said he wants to devote attention to Berkshire and is confident that Gillette"s problems, which include sluggish sales, are behind the company.
``With all of these acquisitions, I finally have a full-time job,"" Buffett told Bloomberg News. In a statement released by Gillette, he said: ``Leaving the Gillette Board is difficult. However, I feel very good about the company"s future. Under the leadership of Jim Kilts, the company has moved aggressively to turn around its performance and restore Gillette"s leadership of the consumer products sector.""
Buffett"s decision comes as the recent flurry of corporate accounting scandals and bankruptcies has led many directors to leave their board posts. Buffett, 72, will remain on the boards of Washington Post Co. and Coca-Cola Co.
Gillette shares, which have declined 14 percent this year, rose 65 cents to $28.77 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. Gillette shares have been one of the laggards in Berkshire"s portfolio, losing more than half their value in the past four years, falling from a high of $63.56 in March 1999. Berkshire"s stake is now worth about $2.7 billion.
Berkshire"s Gillette holdings once accounted for as much as 20 percent of Berkshire"s net worth, and now accounts for as little as 5 percent, according to Robert Miles, author of ``The Warren Buffett CEO."" Berkshire has acquired underwear maker Fruit of the Loom Inc. and children"s clothing maker Garan Inc. and at least a dozen other companies in the last four years.
Buffett"s decision is a sign that he is pleased with Gillette"s progress in repairing its problems and recognizes the need to focus on Berkshire Hathaway, experts said.
Buying Spree
``The value of investment to wholly owned companies at Berkshire has skyrocketed in the past five years,"" said Lawrence Cunningham, law professor at Boston College and author of ``How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett."" ``They"ve been on an enormous acquisition spree. That takes a lot of time and demands his availability.""
Buffett will resign at Gillette"s annual meeting in May. He serves as chairman of the executive committee and on the nominating and corporate governance committee, Gillette spokesman Eric Kraus said.
Another long-time investor left Gillette"s board in April. Henry Kravis stepped down after six years as his firm, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., sold the last shares of its stake in the company in 2001. KKR"s shares dated back to a 1988 investment in battery-maker Duracell International Inc., acquired by Gillette in 1996.
Buffett hasn"t shied away from voicing his opinions at Gillette. In 1996, he sought to slash a $30 million fee promised to KKR in connection with Gillette"s acquisition of Duracell. And according to a report in Chain Drug Review, Buffett sought the resignation of Michael Hawley as Gillette"s chief executive officer in 2000.
Gillette, which manufactures Sensor and Mach3 razors, has been in the doldrums since the late 1990s, when the company overloaded on inventory and experienced weak sales growth.
The company has had several different CEOs during that time. When Alfred Zeien retired as chairman and CEO in 1999, the company replaced him with Michael Hawley. Hawley lasted 18 months and was replaced by Kilts.
Gillette"s board met eight times in 2001, with Buffett and other board members attending at least 75 percent of the meetings, the company said in an SEC filing.
Some Berkshire investors said it was reasonable for Buffett to leave the company"s board. ``He"s a busy guy who"s been in the vanguard against management diluting its ability to run a corporation,"" said Frank Betz, a former money manager at Carret & Co., who owns shares of Berkshire.
Behind the scenes at companies in which Buffett owns a stake, ``nobody does anything without running it by Warren first,"" said Betz.
As a board member, Buffett was paid $51,600 last year and received $75,000 this year, according to SEC documents. That"s just shy of the $100,000 Buffett made as chairman and chief executive of Berkshire.
``Buffett gets paid more to serve on boards than he does running Berkshire,"" said Miles.
Gillette Names Buffett to Governance Committee (Update1)
By Miles Weiss
Washington, April 2 (Bloomberg) -- Gillette Co. named billionaireWarren Buffett to a new board committee that will evaluate the performance of the consumer product company"s chief executive.
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