Enthusiasm ! 0 God!
thou seest my tears. Thou hast allotted us our portion of misery: must
we also have brethren to persecute us , to deprive us of our consolation,
of our trust in thee, and in thy love and mercy? For our trust in the
virtue of the healing root, or in the strength of the vine , what is
it else than a belief in thee from whom all that surrounds us derives
its healing and restoring powers? Father , whom I know not,―― who
wert once wont to fill my soul, but who now hidest thy face from me,
―― call me back to thee ; be silent no longer; thy silence shall not
delay a soul which thirsts after thee. What man , what father, could
be angry with a son for returning to him suddenly , for falling on his
neck, and exclaiming , "I am here again , my father! forgive me if
I have anticipated my journey , and returned before the appointed time!
The world is everywhere the same,―― a scene of labour and pain , of
pleasure and reward ; but what does it all avail ? I am happy only where
thou art, and in thy presence am I content to suffer or enjoy." And wouldst
thou, heavenly Father, banish such a child from thy presence?
DECEMBER 1. Wilhelm , the man about whom I wrote to you―― that
man so enviable in his misfortunes―― was secretary to Charlotte"s father
; and an unhappy passion for her which he cherished, concealed, and
at length discovered, caused him to be dismissed from his situation.
This made him mad. Think, whilst you peruse this plain narration , what
an impression the circumstance has made upon me ! But it was related
to me by Albert with as much calmness as you will probably peruse it.
DECEMBER 4. I implore your attention. It is all over with me. I can
support this state no longer. To-day I was sitting by Charlotte. She was
playing upon her piano a succession of delightful melodies, with such
intense expression! Her little sister was dressing her doll upon my lap.
The tears came into my eyes. I leaned down, and looked intently at her
wedding-ring: my tears fell―― immediately she began to play that favourite,
that divine , air which has so often enchanted me. I felt comfort from
a recollection of the past, of those bygone days when that air was familiar
to me ; and then I recalled all the sorrows and the disappointments which
I had since endured. I paced with hasty strides through the room, my
heart became convulsed with painful emotions. At length I went up to her,
and exclaimed With eagerness, "For Heaven"s sake , play that air no
longer!" She stopped , and looked steadfastly at me. She then said,
with a smile which sunk deep into my heart, "Werther , you are ill:
your dearest food is distasteful to you. But go , I entreat you, and
endeavour to compose yourself." I tore myself away. God , thou seest
my torments , and wilt end them!
DECEMBER 6. How her image haunts me ! Waking or asleep , she fills
my entire soul! Soon as I close my eyes, here , in my brain, where
all the nerves of vision are concentrated , her dark eyes are imprinted.
Here―― I do not know how to describe it ; but, if I shut my eyes,
hers are immediately before me: dark as an abyss they open upon me ,
and absorb my senses.
And what is man ―― that boasted demigod ? Do not his powers fail
when he most requires their use ? And whether he soar in joy , or sink
in sorrow , is not his career in both inevitably arrested? And, whilst
he fondly dreams that he is grasping at infinity, does he not feel compelled
to return to a consciousness of his cold, monotonous existence ?
- 少年维特的烦恼
- 世界经典名著《少年维特的烦恼(中、英双版作者:歌德(J.W.vonGoethe内容提要歌德(1749一1832,德国文豪《少年维特的烦恼》是他早年最重要的作品这是一部书信体小说,作者创作它时年仅二十五岁。小说描写进步青年对当时鄙陋的德国社会的体验和感受,表现了作者对封建道德等级观念的反应以及对个性解
- 古典名著未知连载中
- 最新章:第56章
- 少年维特的烦恼
- 《少年维特的烦恼》TXT下载作者:约翰·歌德[全集]作品描写了主人公维特跌宕起伏的感情波澜,在抒情和议论中真切又详尽地展示了维持思想感情的变化。小说以浓郁的诗意和喷涌的激情寻写了维特的痛苦,憧憬和绝望,将他个人恋爱的不幸放置在广泛的社会背景中,对封建的等级偏见、小市民的自私与守旧等观念作了揭露和批评
- 现代文学未知连载中
- 最新章:第28章
- 少年杨戬的烦恼
- 其实这篇是普贤文殊那个囧故事的番外 因为两位人气太高了,所以就干脆单独拿出来写了,独立成篇 兰州只能努力地还原原著情节,尽力不让人物走形的太夸张 属于原著脑补欢乐版吧…大概 结果…越写越不欢乐了 眼看着就一路狗血苦情下去 无比怀念开头那段欢乐的时光 不过HE是肯定的 请不大意地看下去吧 PS 看文不
- 都市言情茶兔完本
- 最新章:15 番外
- 少年反派之烦恼
- 封绍穿成自己出演过的鬼畜反派,直面被男主角拍得道消神灭的惨淡结局,封绍拒不认命凸 ̄皿)凸穿成反派三大烦恼①邪不胜正②魔高一尺道高一丈③和正义的男主角亲密接触当封绍有了第③个烦恼后才发现,原来前两个都不算烦恼。穿成反派三大任务①不准死②好好活③洗白自己哎,想活命,又洗不白自己…那就养黑男主吧o)ツ本文
- 玄幻小说未知连载中
- 从夏洛特烦恼开始的文娱
- 穿越夏洛特烦恼,成为二十五岁的袁华,成天划着渔船等待命运的追尾 游泳池边,夏洛道“读书那会你就才气侧露,今天就我这身行头,即兴赋诗一首“外露,外露,我的诗都是有批判性的“没事,随便说几句“飒爽英姿雄鸡装,飞上枝头盖凤凰 夏洛“我打算投一个杂志社,你当主编 袁华“洛哥,我想开一家电影投资公司 作者:游
- 都市言情游方老盗连载中
- 最新章:新书已发
- 成长特烦恼
- 不知道自己算不算比同龄人经历的复杂了一点。我们生命中有很多美丽的风景走着走着就找不到了;在每个时期总有那么几个相处的很好的朋友,可是到了后来却都成了路上过去的车;从小到大,我们有过许多的梦想,可是拍醒我们的,往往是现实的耳光 你会不会记忆起高考前辗转反侧的那一夜,和初恋男友第一次牵手逛街的心跳,上班
- 都市言情丫丫不学语完本
- 最新章:第六百四十四章
- 文娱从夏洛特烦恼开始
- 搭上重生末班车,十八线艺人林寻回到2015年的高三时代。王老师“这次校园诗歌大赛第一名是林寻,作品是我的校长爸爸,林同学朗诵一遍,大家学习学习”林寻“我的诗都是有批判性的,他们学不来”媒体“林先生,请问当初是什么原因让你决定参演夏洛特烦恼,战狼2,红海行动,流浪地球等爆款影片”林寻“因为投资方是我爸
- 都市言情东厂雨化田连载中
- 最新章:新书
- 影帝特烦恼
- 林新努力,也相信自己会成为实力派明星,奈何通往实力派的路上,总是会遇到一些阻挠 年仅三十五岁就当上公司董事的都市丽人向他告白,还说当艺人太苦逼,当个不愁吃穿的家庭妇男它不香吗 可爱呆萌的丸子头助理总是心疼他太拼命了,千方百计劝他走偶像派的道路 被渣的天后姐姐黯然情伤,演唱会上却因为他的一首原创歌差点
- 都市言情一枝灯影里连载中
- 最新章:第十七章 节目开播
- 重生特烦恼
- 王宇重生了。在占据了先发优势后,要不要煽动一下蝴蝶的翅膀,让这个世界变的更有趣一些 既然已经改变自己,改变了自己身边一群人的命运.改变再大一些又会怎么样 王宇感觉特烦恼 作者:抽烟的小丑鱼所写的《重生特烦恼》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品,章节由网友发布
- 都市言情抽烟的小丑鱼连载中
- 最新章:第七百六十六章迷惑不解