Doppel called to the figure where the voice came from.
Quiritus peeked from behind Doppel’s back to see what Doppel’s mom was like. Doppel’s mom somewhat looked like a human, except for the fact that Maya’s hair was made out of long, golden laces flowing around her head like a golden halo with a tiny glowing orb at the end of each strand --- It was one of the few things that gave off light in the dark cave. Maya was wearing an off-the-shoulders shirt with black, dark brown and dark green strips that stopped just above her stomach and a skirt that was knee length on the front and gradually became ankle length on the back. A giant pair of dark green wings grew from Maya’s hips and, bearly visible underneath the giant wings, was what looked like the body of an ant with four long legs, that lifted Maya’s human looking legs five feet off of the ground. One pair stood firmly on the ground and another pair acted as a second set of hands. Maya was cradling an infant monster in each of her sets of arms.
“Doppel!? What are you doing back here? Lord of Death appointed you to guard---“
“Mom, I’ll explain everything to you, but tell these guys to stop attacking us.”
“Kids, kids, back away from your brother,” Maya said as she made her way to were Doppel was.
“But he has a human with him---and the human wants to kill us!” screeched the bear like monster that was STILL on Quiritus’ shirt.
“Leave the poor girl alone, I’m sure she means no harm,” Maya said as she walked over to Quiritus and picked up the bear-like monster. In a split second three different monsters had taken over the bear’s place and jumped on Quiritus, knocking her to the floor again. “Hey, enough of that!” Maya said sternly to the three. “What did I just say?”
“……To leave her alone,” the three small monsters answered together, unwillingly, as they got off of Quiritus and went to stand behind Maya, where they peeked over to look at the human girl.
“Sorry,” Maya apologized as she helped Quiritus get back on her feet and dusted some dust off of her clothing. “We don’t get humans down here that much……and when they do come, they try to harm us.”
Seeing as no one said anything else, Maya quickly added “so what brings you to Cave Town?” directing the question at both Quiritus and Doppel.
Later the two visited Moonie—a fox spirit who was friend to Doppel the swordsman, who had the most sexy body and eyes, two small pointed ears, and her hair was the color of sunset.
“Stop!” Moonie shouted at the sight of Quiritus and brought her giant bell out.
“She’s a friend,” Dopple smiled.
“A friend from where?” Moonie did not let go of the bell, on guard and alert, eyeing Quiritus up and down.
Dopple had to leave Quiritus behind a few steps and walked up to Moonie. He told her what had happened in the time they had not seen each other—for 3 weeks? Quiritus felt keenly left out; and she also felt that the swordsman was happier than ever talking to Moonie. She walked away without being noticed, a bit unhappy of course.
Just then she noticed a pretty girl standing behind a rock not far off looking at her. Quiritus started a conversation with her and it turned out that the girl was a virgin ghost and her name was Sohee. More surprisingly, Sohee told Quiritus that she had helplessly fallen in love with a human, and that was why she had felt so sad and so alone among the monsters.
“I miss him terribly and I miss him everyday!
- 仙境升级传说
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